19 Ways to Fundraise for CancerFree KIDS' Night for the Fight, presented by TQL Foundation

  1. E-mail your family, friends and extended family
  2. Share your fundraising page on your and/or your parents' Facebook pages
  3. Create a Facebook Fundraiser
  4. Post on your own social media accounts
  5. Host a restaurant fundraiser
  6. Post Venmo Bingo on your Instagram Story
  7. Sell Donatos cards (contact Cindy for questions about these cards at cindy@cancerfreekids.org)
  8. Pass out flyers around your neighborhood
  9. Ask if your parent's work will have a jeans day for donations
  10. Donate your money from a work shift or a night of babysitting to your own fundraiser
  11. Collect spare change from around your house
  12. Do neighborhood or household chores for donations
  13. Ask your homeroom teacher if you can pass around a change bucket
  14. Sell clothes to Plato’s Closet
  15. Reach out to teachers and coaches
  16. Have a bake sale
  17. Venmo request people for $1 donations
  18. Skip a Starbucks or Chipotle trip for yourself and give the money to your fundraiser
  19. Ask for small weekly donations